Ride the tough but adorable Nova-bear in this comic-book-inspired 3D mech pilot sim — in your browser! This is prototype sketch of what I dream will be a full-fledged game at some point. Am I headed in the right direction?
Can the brave Animech riders defeat the evil sharktobots?!
- Click the comic to turn the pages and start playing!
- Arrows or WASD to steer.
- SPACE to shoot.
- Game, illos, code, 3D models, custom CMYK shader, and graphic design by me, HugBug. Made in about four days for MechJam IV. This is a homebrew WebGL engine, so please let me know about bugs or poopy frame rates. :)
- The comic book panels I Frankenstein-photoshopped from dozens of old DC and Marvel comics, with a lot of custom illustration on top of them.
- Music and sounds were licensed ... got 'em from Pond5 and FreeSound: rock, crunch, laser, bear, beep
- Theme vocals by Noa aka Beachball Opal! They had to sing my ridiculous lyrics...
Animech Riders — you've got to save the day!
Pilot your pets — to keep the Sharktobots at bay!
Climb in your cockpit and rocket your mech into the sky...
Power up paws — prepare to win the daily fight!
And just remember, the subtlest shove — from above!
That permanent power boost will come
From friendship, hugs, and love!

Thanks for playing :)
AnimechRidersCartoonThemeSong.mp3 3.5 MB
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Wow just wow and that theme tune rocked!!!
This is really impressive! the gameplay itself is kind of weird, mainly the shooting, but overall is really good!!
also, sidenote, that ending track is amazing!!!
Wow the art-tention to detail here is so impressive, even the game page looks fantastic! Love the music too. I love the idea of a playable comic book!
So so cool! Love how much style is packed into this game, any chance we'll see more games like this?
In what directions do you see this game growing as far as mechanics? It is soaked through With style. Just absolutely pitch perfect unity of artistic design. it could be ten more hours of rail shooter spaceship and we would still be excited.